Friday, August 20, 2010

I am as Proud as a Peacock

School has started here in the South. One thing seems clear to me right away. They do not fool around. My younger daughter has come home with papers, her specials are already on the go. Her homework starts next week though. My older daughter has homework each night already (welcome to 6th grade) but seems to be handling it well. Last night she had to complete some similes that describe herself.

I began to think about how I am feeling this week. I would say that if I was completing her assignment I would put, I am as proud as a peacock. You see, Jack is away and I am in charge and getting it done. I have juggled bus schedules, got up (ungodly) early, packed lunches, made sure homework is completed, and no one missed karate or gymnastics!

I made the children food they like, (BLT's, baked potatoes) while also making food I like. (salad with avocado, grilled vegetable sandwich) We ate together and talked. I met with plumbers and roofers and cleaned the entire house. I am thinking my proudest moment was the defeat of the Wasp. My younger child was terrified, having recently suffered her first bee sting, rightfully so. I attacked said wasp with a fly swatter and my shoe. He was defeated and mightily slain.

So I sit today in my clean house using my new netbook, puffed up and proud. I am happy that Jack is coming home today. I am proud of myself for doing well in our new world of Tennessee, but he needs to take care of that wasp nest. After all, I am proud but maybe not all THAT brave.


  1. I am proud of you too. And also thinking, of course you're doing well! I knew you would. You're stronger than you think you are, mighty woman!

  2. We are proud of you Ingrid and sending you much love from your friends forever at the Brandywine Y. xoxoxo
