Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's Different for Grown Ups

We are moving. There is no way around it. In a few weeks, I will be packed up and no longer be a Delaware resident. The idea fills me with excitement, and fear. My children continue to share their thoughts on this change, and it often breaks my heart.

The other day my eldest daughter and I discussed our dry erase board. The girls each have a dry erase board hanging in the hallway downstairs. At first I had one board, there was to much fighting so now I have 2 boards. If you do not ask permission before writing/drawing on someone's board, you suffer great wrath.

I told my eldest child, I did not think about where to hang your boards in the new house. She suggested a place less distracting so she would get ready for school etc. more readily. (these board are often a distraction, she stops and draws on instead of staying on task) I admired her admisssion and plan. This was a small step toward her accepting our move. She did not cry or fuss, she camly provided a solution.

My younger daughter has been having a harder time this week. In the car (why is it always in the car?)She starts to cry about the move. I relate to her how it will be ok, she will make new friends. New kids are always popular. She keeps crying, and tells me she knows that new kids are always popular because everyone is curious.(although apparently children who come in mid school year are even MORE popular, who knew?)

My daughter continues, it will be alright, she knows she will have friends. She is sad about LEAVING her friends here. It is hard. I tell her mommy has to leave her friends too. This creates a louder sob, "IT'S DIFFERENT FOR GROWN UPS". Grown ups don't see their friends everyday like she does. Oh, I think. She has a point.

I think some more and then remind her she does not see her friends everyday in the summer. I also tell her how I am looking forward to no one having any friends for a little while. It means we will have to be friends for each other. I tell her, I won't have a job or any friends.(doesn't that sound depressing?) But, I say, I won't have any excuses either to not play Wii, basketball, ride bikes, or play chess. I sense my daughter mulling this over. "Can we cook together?" she asks. "Sure," I say, "I have been wanting to try more spinach and eggplant recipes." She sticks her tongue out at me and we get home.

1 comment:

  1. OK now I'm ready to cry (and I'm not in the car). Grown ups don't like the move either, but we have survived others so we are a bit more prepared for the stress and anxiety and sense of loss and change.
    Glad M is seeming to cope well, at least with parts of the changes. J will adjust, but you might want to start with cookie recipes. ;)

    Hugs, we will get through this.
